Upgrading the Discovery Service

In response to your feedback, we are making some changes to our EBSCO Discovery Service. This is the system that helps you locate materials beyond our catalogue.
On Monday 24 June 2024, two major updates will be applied to all our EBSCO databases, including the Discovery Service. These databases will be running at risk all day, some services such as saving articles and searches and setting up search alerts may be affected by the changes and at some point the EBSCO Discovery Service interface used will change to a new, more intuitive design. Please plan your work accordingly.
If you wish to retain your saved articles, searches and other personalised features from the old version of any EBSCO database, please follow the instructions for backing up your personalised content before 24 June. Instructions for merging this information into your new EBSCO account will be shared after the platform upgrades are completed on 24 June.
Update (19 June) – Saved searches cannot be exported in bulk like saved search articles. If you wish to preserve saved searches, you will need to manually copy your search strings from your Search History page into a text or word processing document now and then run the searches again after the migration.
If you need any advice on this process or have any questions or concerns, please get in touch.
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