Many people find looking for useful journal articles by thinking out all the terms they need to search for in advance and typing them into an empty search box is simply overwhelming. Happily, the new look Discovery Service lets you …

Finding articles just got visual Read more »

We are really excited by the new streamlined EBSCO Discovery Service experience. The new interface is so much easier to use and is packed with innovative features, including: Over on the Library website, we’ve summarised the main features of the …

Discovering the new EBSCO Discovery Service Read more »

On Monday 24 June 2024, two major updates will be applied to all our EBSCO databases, including the Discovery Service.  These databases will be running at risk all day, some services such as saving articles and searches and setting up search alerts may be affected by the changes and at some point the EBSCO Discovery Service interface used will change to a new, more intuitive design.

I’ve been taking my research much more seriously lately. It’s time I made some progress – I can’t let Pip keep rampaging through the Library like this for much longer, it’s far too distracting for the poor students! After the …

Discovering reliable academic sources… by Pablo the Penguin Read more »

Helping students with more specialised subject searches is usually the realm of our Faculty Librarians and their assistants, but sometimes we Enquiries staff are asked questions which sit on the borderline of being specialist, and which we enjoy helping with. …

The building blocks of enquiries… Read more »