Lesbian, gay, bi, trans, intersex and asexual and other sexually and gender diverse people people have survived persecution and having their identities criminalised throughout history and continue to experience prejudice and discrimination around the world. Many LGBTQ+ people also experience intersectional oppression as a result of also their neurodivergent, PGM, and have other oppressed and other marginalised identities. This post begins to explore how you can help make the world a better place for everyone, including LGBTQ+ people.

On 28 June 1969, police raided a gay club in Greenwich Village, New York. Not an unsurprising event – it was still illegal for men to dance together in a nightclub, let alone have consensual sexual relationships, and “masquerading” as the opposite sex, for example, as a drag queen, was also a crime. A club such as Stonewall, which was attended mostly by Black and Latinx men and drag queens, was somewhere the police expected to close down without incident. Instead, the anger of the racially and sexually oppressed erupted into a riot, in turn spawning further riots and protests across the city. The riots focused national attention on the social injustice faced by homosexuals in America and sparked the conversation about tolerance and equality that has seen so much change until today.

Most people are brought up to believe there are two genders, male and female, that are separate and distinct. This is the basis of our understanding of sexual diversity – people are seen either to be attracted to people of the ‘same sex’ or the ‘opposite sex’. Life would be much simpler were this actually so…

What’s in a name? Often, a name focuses the mind and tells us what is important to a movement.

Until the nineteenth century, there was no word for being gay. Once the feelings people had for one another could be described separately from the physical act of making love, progress started to come slowly. At least for gay men. History has shown us that even within a community, and within a movement, different groups are privileged far above others.

Portsmouth Film Society/Peccadillo Pictures are very kindly providing a number of voucher codes to staff and students that will allow you to watch these films for free as part of LGBTQ+ History Month. Watch the previews below and then scroll on to the end of this post to find out how to get the codes to view these films for free.

People who identify – or who others identify – with more than one minority group experience social violence, oppression and disadvantage from all the different aspects of their minority identity. Black trans women are the archetypal minority within a minority – living with daily intersectional violence targeting women, trans people, trans women in particular, on top of racism.

Trans people have doubtless existed for all of human history, and the surgical advances needed for people to transition came about in the mid-twentieth century, so it might seem strange to some that trans people are still feared and vilified today. Yet, trans lives are threatened on a daily basis by rising levels of violence and hostility and failing healthcare.