Are you election ready?

There are few times in life when you can make so big an impact with so little effort as voting in a general election but you cannot just turn up and vote. You must be registered as a voter by the 18 June and for the upcoming election, you must also show an accepted form of photographic ID on the day.
General elections determine who runs the country, who your local MP will be and what direction policy takes for up to the next five years. Politicians have historically ignored the views and needs of young people, in part because so many young people never voted and so were not seen as relevant to those wielding political power. By voting, you can be part of electing a party you think best represents your views, while just registering to vote can improve your credit score!
Find out all you need to know about the election and how it works on the MyPort Elections and voting page or the NUS General Election FAQs page.
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