HSDC College students inspired by our new Near and Far World Books Collection
The Near and Far World Books (NFWB@UoP) is a growing collection of bilingual, translated and non-English language children’s books. It incorporates the prestigious collection, Outside In World Children’s Books in Translation. The collections are situated near the Library Café, on the ground floor, for easy access for all our visitors. We actively encourage the collections to be used to support research and teaching at the University of Portsmouth and in the wider academic world, and for community outreach work.
Our lovely new collection of translated children’s books have recently inspired sixth form students from the Havant Campus. Using recycled materials, A-level Textiles students read books written about the environment and world peace and in response created some beautiful pieces. The illustrators of these selected books often used colour, textiles and recycling as a theme and the students have brought the books to life with the tactile and colourful elements of their creations. We have two display cabinets full of amazing creations and here are just a few of the pieces:
‘The Little Black Fish’ written by Samad Behrangi and illustrated by Farshid Mesghali inspired many of the students to create 3d models, lino prints and more.
Author and illustrator Lauren Child used collaged material illustrations for ‘Pippi Longstocking’ by Astrid Lindgren, and her work inspired this pretty piece.
‘Rat’ (a personal favourite!) was created from the book ‘Rubbish and Recycling: Step-by-step’
by Gerard Bertolini and Claire Delalande and was illustrated by Nicolas Hubesch. There are two other characters in this book just waiting to made…
The artwork is on display on the ground floor of the library in the case nearest the stairs and up on the mezzanine level on the first floor. It will be on display until the end of March 2022.
If you are a visitor to the University please see here for details of how to use the library: https://library.port.ac.uk/external.html
The ‘Rat’ is a wonderful creation and the student who designed and made this is to be congratulated. Very well done and much appreciated.