New content from Emerging Minds

A new copy of our premier journal for student research, Emerging Minds: Journal for Student Research has just come out, packed with exciting student essays and articles. This journal is dedicated to showcasing the cutting-edge research carried out by students, offering a high-quality, affordable, open-access publishing outlet to surface the research outputs of students in all areas of study, supporting students to get noticed by research communities and future employers.
Edited by academics from the University of Portsmouth as well as international colleagues from the University of Central Lancashire, University of New South Wales in Australia, the Catholic University of Ecuador, and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro under the guidance of an international editorial advisory panel, this journal surfaces the cream of cutting edge student thought and research. If you have a piece of coursework or project of which you are particularly proud (especially if you got a mark of 70% or higher), please consider sending it in!
This latest volume includes research into using silica yarns as radiation dosimeters and optimising ecargo bike routing delivery routing. Take a look!
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