Taylor & Francis launch new ebook reader

Taylor & Francis eBooks now come with a redesigned eReader available from Taylorfrancis.com offering a redeveloped, simpler, seamless and inclusive reading experience, offering:
- accessible ePub format downloads
- adjustable font size and style
- read aloud functionality in multiple languages so you can turn your ebook into an audiobook
- tools for students and researchers including reference management software integration
Your bookshelf, bookmarks, notes, highlighting and search options are all still included, all powered by a more intuitive interface.
When is it happening?
The old eReader is being phased out now and will be retired on 16 February 2025.
Where do I find this wondrous new eReader?
Choose the ‘download’ option on any ebook or chapter on the Taylor & Francis website to try the new ereader. “Read online” will still take you to the older ereader until 16 February, and then everything will use the new version.
Taylor & Francis have produced a list of FAQs and you can always contact your Faculty Librarian if you have any questions or concerns.
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