Space for postgraduate study

Space for postgraduate study

When the Postgraduate Study Suite was turned into staff offices back in the summer, we opened the Library Meeting Room as a temporary study suite but warned that there would be a few weeks at the start of term when this too would have to close for a few weeks while our colleagues carry out all the international student ID checks. That time has now arrived.

We regret that the temporary postgraduate study suite in the Library Meeting Room (UL 0.12) will close for a few weeks from Monday, 30 September. This room is used to carry out ID checks with our international students. While we cannot offer a dedicated postgraduate study space in the Library, we invite you to use the diverse choice of alternative study spaces on offer.

Social study

For those who prefer an energizing buzz while working, the rest of the Library offers a diverse variety of seating styles, temperatures, light, and noise levels. If you are studying in pairs or small groups, you can book group study rooms up to two weeks in advance, or you could meet in one of the drop-in meeting pods on the lower floors.

Enjoy the sound of silence

There are many alternative study spaces in the Library that you might enjoy. The Individual Silent Study zone on the top floor is little used this time of year. Bring your own device or borrow a laptop from the lockers on the ground floor. Look for the purple pull-up banners at the entrances to the silent zone. You can plug in around the walls or use the docking stations provided for a desktop computer experience.

The individual study pods on the ground floor are ideal for anyone seeking to study alone without distractions. They offer a ventilated personal space with adjustable lighting and total sensory isolation.

You can also ask for free sound-cancelling earplugs from any staffed desk and carry your own silent zone in your pocket! They even work wonders in the Individual Silent Study zone or individual study pods if the noise is still too much for comfort.

Accessible study spaces

The accessible computer with additional accessibility software, adjustable height desk and ergonomic chair tucked around the corner of the smaller journal room in the Individual Silent Study zone can be used by anyone if it is free but anyone with a disability is welcome to book it up to two weeks in advance for as long as they need it. Please email your booking request to and let us know the date and start/end times between which you would like to book the computer.

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Assistant Librarian (Promotions) at the University Library. An enthusiastic advocate of libraries, diversity, inclusion, equity, and social justice for all, inside and outside the workplace.

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