What’s being promised in the General Election 2024

What’s being promised in the General Election 2024

General Elections often mark times of great change. With the next General Election coming up, it is interesting to see what different political parties are promising to do if elected. Here are some analyses of how the different political parties’ manifestoes stack up for different areas:

What’s being promised?

Education – General Election 2024: An analysis of manifesto pledges for education Education Policy Institute

Climate – Climate Pledges LSE

STEM – Science, research, and innovation hustings – WonkHE

NHS and health – National Health Service pledgesNuffield Trust

Party manifestos and debates

Here’s a link to an ALISS blog post listing all the political party manifestos setting out what each party intends to do if elected.

And here are commentaries by various interest groups.

Here are some streamed videos of recent political debates


Here you can track the polls for the different political parties.

Assistant Librarian (Promotions) at the University Library. An enthusiastic advocate of libraries, diversity, inclusion, equity, and social justice for all, inside and outside the workplace.

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