Vending a little joy

We’ve been chatting with many of you recently, out and about across campus, and hearing lots of interesting things about what you like and where we could improve. There are some common themes emerging and we will be working hard over the coming months to improve our services and facilities wherever we can.
One thing that came up several times was a request for vending machines in the Library, so you could buy drinks and snacks after the cafe closes. The only thing is… we already have vending machines selling snacks, hot and cold drinks. They are just tucked around the corner behind the cafe and not everyone seems to have found them yet.

So, next time you pop into the Library early or late and fancy a hot drink or a cold snack – or you just forgot your water bottle and need to buy another – head to the cafe and then follow the shelves around to the right to find the vending machines. The machines only take contactless card payments, so bring your credit/debit card.
Of course, water is still freely available from the water bottle refill stations on the ground floor near the cafe and at the far end of the second floor. You just need to bring (or reuse) your own water bottle.
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