Artist’s Proof of Cut Loose

Artist’s Proof of Cut Loose: donated to the University Library by the artist, Mark Howard Jones
This delightful lino print, the artist’s proof, is a much appreciated donation to the University’s art collection.
Mark Howard Jones is a printmaker and part-time student in his final year of MA Illustration and you can follow his artistic journey on his website and Instagram.
It was lovely to hear how the subject of “Cut Loose” came about and where that particular printmaking journey took him and I hope Mark doesn’t mind me sharing that with you.
Mark was formerly a teacher and he and his colleagues took part in a lottery game. He was fortunate to win and decided to purchase a rescue dog, Bruce, with the proceeds. When Mark left his role he decided to leave his colleagues a gift of a lino print of himself and Bruce. This was the first incarnation of the print, a black and white version. In the print, Mark is wearing the tweed trousers and he and Bruce the dog are “cutting loose,” walking from inside (work) to the outside world (the freedom of new beginnings).
In 2023, Mark submitted a coloured, blue, print for the Royal Academy Summer Show. It was accepted and all of the 100 editions of the print were sold. The RA published his work as a greetings card too. I must look out for one of those!
During his course of study, Mark made use of some books within our Rare Books Collection. I enjoyed rifling through to find examples of printmaking techniques that he could use as inspiration. We hope that Mark will consider sharing some more of his work in our library display space in the future. In the meantime if you would like to see the print, please email and that can be arranged.
Look out for the next edition of the print which may be a pink version!
Thank you Mark, for this wonderful gift.
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