Library as unique headspace

Why is the Library such a popular place for students to come and study? Perhaps it is because a space between home and work fosters spontaneous encounters, critical conversations and new friendships forged in the blaze of relaxed industry. Ray Oldenburg suggested such spaces such as the Library are defined less by place, although it is still one of the largest and most diverse open access study spaces on campus, as the way studying in the Library encourages serendipity, finding unusual books, resources, chance encounters with others and engaging in unhindered interchanges that can open doors and take you in new directions.
We have kept that idea central to the way we have developed the library around the way you work, refurbishing the entrance to create a more welcoming feel and, introducing new group and individual study pods, opening up our teaching rooms to give you more space to sequester yourselves to work on projects together. We took a similar approach online, drawing on what we had learned from delivering streamlined content to clients during lockdown to deliver a dovetailed, digital-first approach intended to offer optimal support for blended learning for clients on campus and beyond, turning our subject pages into tailored learning paths that lead from first steps to final projects with library teaching, support, and the best resources for your subject, supported by expert advice at all times.
The way we have shaped the Library service reflects how we value your time. Introducing bookable online librarian appointments, extending our scanning service and (to all UK addresses) postal loans, and offering our popular Click & Collect service to everyone ensures everything you need is delivered to you at home or on the go.
Help us help you even better
Change is a continuous process, though. We need your input to help us keep developing the Library to become still more successful going forward. Let us know what would make you smile by posting a suggestions postcard in our postbox on the ground floor, dropping us an email to, or just stopping by for a chat with any member of our friendly staff.

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