Student led change: convenience on demand

Supporting you wherever you study
We turned our Subject pages into tailored learning paths taking you from first steps to final projects with library teaching, support, and the best resources for your subject, restructured our website to make finding the services you most need simple and intuitive, and worked with Information Services to develop reliable a single sign-on system so you can now login once and access everything you need without difficulty.
Website improvements, powerful search tools and single sign-on access to eresources from anywhere using the VPN make finding what you want faster and more reliable. Our friendly and expert staff are also on hand in person and online to help you get started and improve your search, digital, media and information literacy, and referencing.
Saving your time
We recognise the pressures of being a student and so continue to offer the Click & Collect service we first introduced during lockdown so you never have to search the shelves for books. We also introduced an add-on for the library catalogue that offers 3D floor plans showing where to find books on a subject or with a particular classmark number
We redesigned our referencing advice pages to be more streamlined and comprehensive and wrote a simple overview guide for the APA 7th edition referencing style. We restructured our website to be simpler and more intuitive and studded it with video shorts showing how everything works.
Convenience on demand
You told us that you did not all enjoy reading exclusively from a screen, and not all books are available electronically, so we introduced automated book loan renewals and postal loans for everyone staying in the UK. Now everyone can read our print books, no matter where in the UK they are staying. We still strive to offer ebooks for everything our distance learners need to read, as well as for all essential reading for other courses, so you can read or listen to your core materials at home or on the go without delay.
How can we serve you better?
Let us know how we can make your study experience better! Fill in our online form, pop in and chat to us, drop us an email or, if you are in your final year, fill out the NSS survey. We really do love to hear what you think and what would make things better.
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