Happy Trans Awareness Week 2023!

Happy Trans Awareness Week 2023!

Happy Trans Awareness Week! Every year, people and organizations around the country participate in Trans Awareness Week (13-19 November) to help educate and increase understanding about the existence and daily struggles trans people, their friends and families face.

Read more about Trans Awareness Week, its history and meaning on the GLAAD website.

Simple ways you can make everyone around you feel safe and welcome

Some very simple ways that everyone can help make the world safer, more friendly and inclusive for everyone include:

  • sharing your pronouns in your email signature and when introducing yourself at the beginning of meetings;
  • reading about how other people may experience life and the world differently to you, perhaps from some of the information sources listed below;
  • widening your circle of friends to include people less like you and seeking to listen without judgement or assumptions to these diverse people to better understand their lived experiences.

Information, advocacy and support online

While online forums, from Facebook groups to sub-Reddits, abound, these spaces are not always populated with well-meaning, safe and informed voices, and so it is generally safer to seek information and support from recognised charities, such as:

  • The Beaumont Society is one of the largest and longest-established transgender support groups in the UK (National resource).
  • Beyond Reflections (formerly Chrysalis) – A Southampton-based mental wellbeing charity for trans, non-binary and questioning adults, their family and friends across England & Wales.
  • Mermaids offers impartial information and support to gender-diverse children, young people, and their families.
  • MindOut – An LGBTQ+ mental health information and advocacy service.
  • Mindline Trans – Confidential emotional and mental health support helpline and signposting service for anyone who identifies as trans, agender, gender fluid, genderqueer or nonbinary.

Local support at university

If you have questions or concerns about your sexual or gender orientation or are experiencing distress for absolutely any reason, the Student Wellbeing Service is here to help and support you.

Assistant Librarian (Promotions) at the University Library. An enthusiastic advocate of libraries, diversity, inclusion, equity, and social justice for all, inside and outside the workplace.

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