Referencing pop-ups

We’re bringing back our ever popular referencing pop-ups! We answer referencing questions by email, online chat, face to face at the Library skills drop-in and you can even book appointments to sit down with a a librarian and a long list of referencing questions. Yet, what we’ve found, year in and year out, is that we see more of you when we pop up in another part of the Library than we ever get to come to us.
Whether it is the colourful banner, the smiling librarians in plain view, or the sight of so many other people stopping by to offload their referencing woes and come away feeling better, we’re not sure. What we do know is that you like them, so we’re popping up again next week! Look out for our stand in the Library Atrium from 11-12 am and 2-3 pm between 13 – 24 November. During the lunchtime between drop-ins, you can get the same help in the Library skills drop-in office just off the Atrium.
Bring us your referencing questions (or anything else library and information related, we’re not fussy), and we will be happy to explain how everything works and put your mind at ease. We’re sure you have your own questions but just to give you an idea of the range of things we’ve answered, here are some of the questions we get asked so often we can remember them for a blog post:
- Is this how I cite a book?
- What is referencing and how do I do it?
- I’m critically comparing translations from three different versions of The Bible… (many detailed referencing questions followed).
- What’s this (pulls out a dusty folio from a time even we forgot), and how do I reference it and all things like it?
- How do I cite a video in a tweet embedded in a blog that has been mentioned in another website if the original blog post has been taken down, breaking the link to it?
And yes, that last one was fun to answer, though not as much fun as some of the others. We answer literally everything, from the very simple to the very obscure, right through to questions with no definitive answer. How, you ask? Simply, we’ve been doing this a lot longer than you and spent more time than was good for us with our heads buried in the official referencing manual, finding ways of making sense of it for the conscientious student in a hurry.
Bring us your referencing questions
Look for us in the Library Atrium from Monday 13 – Friday 24 November 2023.
See you then, if not before!
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