Listen to the latest library stuff on SoundCloud

Sometimes your eyes need a break from staring at a screen. Sometimes it’s just nice to listen and learn while you are on the go or doing something else. Sometimes you might want to hear the sound of a librarian chatting about the best resources for your subject and how to get the most from them.
Whatever the reason, the Library is now on SoundCloud, with our Faculty Librarians offering series of micro podcasts, each just a minute or so long but following on from one another to comprehensively cover topics close to your heart, from how to get the most from business reports to how you can switch from expensive subscription streaming services to our free indie movie and documentary streaming service Kanopy and save!
There are few longer podcasts thrown in for good measure, too. Why not tune in now to our International Students’ welcome podcast or learn from the University Archivist about the recent time capsule discovered beneath Nuffield Building?
Whatever you are into, you’re sure to find it soon among our ever expanding podcast collection!
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