Library Plays Host to Bird Baby Nursery

The University Library is happy to report that a pair of Herring Gulls has once again nested on top of the library building. We believe this is the same pair as last year since the gulls are nesting in the exact same place. Last year the gulls successfully hatched and fledged three chicks. In 2012, two chicks were using the library building as their home, but the nest location was never identified.
Unfortunately, many people do not particularly care for Herring Gulls due to their very vocal nature and their ability to scavenger food for themselves and their young. Sadly, the Herring Gull has joined other bird species on the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds’ Red List. The Red List identifies bird species whose populations in the UK which are rapidly declining.
There are several reasons for the decline of Herring Gulls with a major reason being a decrease of fish stocks and other aquatic life in the oceans.
If everything goes well, we should be able to see chicks in about 4 weeks or so!
If you are interested in seeing and learning more about British wildlife, keep an eye out for BBC 2’s Springwatch programme.
For more information, please see:
RSPB Herring Gull page:
RSPB: The Story Behind the Red List:
Thanks to Sharon Bittner for the information
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