Your Library transformed

The University Library is pleased to announce a major investment in the building which will refurbish and remodel the ground floor of the Library.

You can view the architects’ drawings and annotated projection of the new Library ground floor online or come in and see the display in Area 1B on the first floor of the Library.  We value your comments, so please get in touch and let us know your thoughts, ideas, concerns and desires about this project.  If you want to comment anonymously, you can do so via the Online Suggestion Box on the Library homepage or by writing notes on the sheet provided beside the first floor display.

This project reflects feedback received through the National Student Survey (NSS) and other surveys and will see us add over 200 study spaces, many of which will have computers, increase the size of the café and provide a shared service point on the ground floor for your library and IT queries.  Additionally we will provide a greater range of social learning space and an increase in the number of bookable group study rooms.

Work is scheduled to start at the end of May and be completed by the end of September.  This work will be disruptive and large areas of the Library will be unavailable during the summer, however all services will continue to be delivered.  Detailed planning has started and as we finalise interim arrangements for individual services over the coming weeks we will be releasing these details on the website.

If you have any immediate queries please do not hesitate to speak to any member of Library staff or email

Assistant Librarian (Promotions) at the University Library. An enthusiastic advocate of libraries, diversity, inclusion, equity, and social justice for all, inside and outside the workplace.

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