Free student membership of the British Cartographic Society

The British Cartographic Society has made membership FREE for full-time students in Higher Education. You can now sign up simply but demonstrating you have a student email address. You don’t have to be a cartographer: the society is open to anyone with a love of maps.
If you join the BCS (for free!), you will gain:
- Access to a professional network of cartographic expertise
- Subscription to The Cartographic Journal (digital) (4 issues per year)
- Subscription to Maplines (digital) (3 issues per year)
- Access to the GeoViz programme
- Option to buy Cartography: An Introduction at a reduced member’s price
- Access to members’ talks (Teatime Talks and the annual Winter Lecture)
- Access to the annual Careers Talk
- Discounts at Stanfords, Ordnance Survey (OS), Charles Close Society, Taylor & Francis, and The Red Atlas – great if you ever want to buy a map
Click here to find out more and sign up for free as a student
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