Disruption to the Library catalogue (Friday 13 December)

A major update to the library catalogue and its dependent systems on Friday 13 December. The vast majority of our electronic resources will be unaffected, but you will lose access to the Library catalogue and services that depend on it for up to 24 hours from 8 am on Friday 13 December.
Affected services include:
- catalogue search – you won’t be able to search for print books using the catalogue or Discovery Service;
- print books reservations – while the catalogue is unavailable, you will be unable to place reservations;click and collect – we will still be delivering anything requested through click and collect as normal, but you won’t be able to place any requests while the catalogue is unavailable;
- my account – you won’t be able to look up details of what you have borrowed, reserved, or requested as an interlibrary loan;
- document delivery and interlibrary loans requests – without the catalogue, you won’t be able to access the webform to request these but requests received beforehand will continue to be processed normally.
Recommended preparation and workarounds
Requesting reservations and interlibrary loans
Please request any reservations and interlibary loans either before 8 am on Friday 13 Dec or after services resume.
Finding print books
Please request any printed books you need to collect on or shortly after Friday 13 December well ahead of time, so they are ready for you to collect before the catalogue becomes unavailable, or make a note/take a screenshot of the book details and shelfmark in the catalogue beforehand and ask staff to help you find them. There is a helpful classmark finder on the website that will take you to the approximate location of the shelfmark you want to find, and extensive labelling of shelf ends showing where different shelfmark numbers can be found. Library staff are happy to help you find books if you have any difficulties.
Finding ebooks
You can find links to our major ebook platforms on our Ebook collections webpage. If you are going to read ebooks during this maintenance window, we suggest making a note of which platform they are on (ProQuest Ebook Central, SageCatalyst, etc.) so you know which platform to search within to find them again. If in doubt, most of our ebooks are supplied through Ebook Central, so look there first.
Help is on hand
As always, library staff are here to help. Library staff may be able to help you carry out certain tasks even while the catalogue is unavailable, so please ask if you have an urgent need or are worried about something. You can chat to us in person at the Reception and nearby Library Help desks during staffed hours or get in touch online.
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