Pop-ups turn to referencing next week!

From searching to citations
Today is the last Discovery Service pop-up of the season! Join us between 1-3 pm this afternoon for a personalised introduction to finding the best articles for your assignments. You could even bring an assignment and get help tailored specifically for that.
Coming up next week – referencing pop-ups!
Referencing pop-ups! Sit down with a librarian – same time, same place – and let us make APA referencing easier. Learn how APA referencing works and the tricks that make it simpler. If you’ve got an assignment due in soon, bring it in and we can help you understand and correct any mistakes you are making repeatedly.
Can’t wait?
If you are keen to get a feel for APA referencing, the best place to start is by reading this. You really don’t have to learn it all – you just need to get a feel for what well formatted APA references look like and how the referencing style works.
When you come to reference anything you find online, you be find a “cite” button in most of our databases that will offer their best attempt at an APA style reference and you will always be able to find clear guidance with examples for every publication format type on our referencing guidance portal, Referencing@Portsmouth.
Referencing questions are also where the Library’s online chat service comes into its own. Send us a link to anything you cannot easily reference, and we will tell you what referencing format to use and guide you through to your final reference.
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