Nurturing men’s mental health

November is Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month. You might have seen the adverts encouraging men to grow a moustache for “Movember” to signal in an overtly macho way their support for men’s mental health. Men are three times as likely as women to die from suicide, in large part because men are taught not to share their feelings, show distress or admit when they are struggling to cope. Many campaigns and services exist to get men talking about their feelings and their mental health, from the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) and local support groups to Chaplaincy and the Student Wellbeing Service.
It is important for everyone to know they are not alone. Young men in particular can feel under pressure to look and feel successful while life is full of unexpected twists and turns that unsettle and spoil the best laid plans. It is with this in mind that I’m sharing this blog post from the University blog, tracing the tales of male students finding their way through the dark nights of existence and turning back to hope. Read their stories here.
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