Happy World Menopause Day!

Happy World Menopause Day!

Friday 18 October is World Menopause Day. Since 2009, the world has celebrated the changing lives of women and campaigned to break the silence around women’s lived experience of ageing and bodily change and foster a greater awareness of the changes women experience during the menopause and the perimenopause and the support options available.

Hormonal changes arising in middle age leave many women suffering from a diverse array of cognitive and physical effects, from the more widely known hot flashes to insomnia, memory loss and a feeling of pervasive woolly-headedness. Yet, society has shied away from acknowledging, let alone openly talking about major changes impacting half the population at some point in their lives. No two women experience the (peri)menopause the same way but many find the changes unexpected and distressing because of the lack awareness about what to expect and the lack of shared understanding that they are not alone in what they experience. This is made much worse by a widespread lack of understanding by employers and colleagues for what they are experiencing and, at least until very recently, very limited accommodation, support and legal protection from discrimination in the workplace.

For some, the menopause is a minor inconvenience, for others a severe challenge to their wellbeing and mental health as they struggle to perform despite the throws of what can sometimes be a challenging array of physical, emotional and cognitive changes.

Previous World Menopause Days have focused on accommodations employers can make to support all their female employees through the menopause. This year, the focus is on promoting the availability and potential advantages of menopausal hormone replacement therapy.

If you are (or think you might be) experiencing the menopause or perimenopause or are concerned and want more information or advice, you can get help and support from:

and you can always chat through any concerns with the Chaplaincy and Student Wellbeing Service.

Assistant Librarian (Promotions) at the University Library. An enthusiastic advocate of libraries, diversity, inclusion, equity, and social justice for all, inside and outside the workplace.

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