How secure is your bicycle?

We hope it will never happen to you, but property theft is sadly a fact of life. Happily, there are (simple, free) things you can do to make your property – including your bicycle if you own one, much less attractive to potential thieves and much more likely to be returned to you if and when it is recovered by the police.
Get your property immobilised!
From your mobile phone and laptop to your bicycle, it pays to add your property to the national property database, Immobilise. Logging which serial number device belongs to you makes it so much easier for the police to return your property to you should it ever be stolen.
You can get your bicycle security tagged and added to the database for free at events held by the local police force and council. The next one is taking place on the plaza (between the University Library and Ravelin Sports Centre) between 1.30 – 3.30 pm on Thursday 26 September.
Ask about the best kind of bike lock
A properly fixed, BSI kitemarked D-lock is a great deterrent to all but the most professional of bicycle thieves. Ask the police about the best kind to buy (and where to find it cheapest) at the bike security even on Thursday 26 September!
Secure your home
Get into a routine of checking your doors and windows (particularly ground floor windows) are locked before you leave – it is all too easy when you live in a shared house to walk out the door thinking someone else is still at home and leave everything unguarded. Keep valuables out of sight and keep a secure digital copy of the important numbers on your passports, driving licence and other vital documents so you can report them missing or stolen if the worst should ever happen.
Secure yourself online
Unscrupulous individuals will do almost anything to get their hands on your money. Recent scams have run the gamut from dating fraud to fake TV licence renewals, so it pays to be aware. Take a look at the last crime prevention update adapted from our regular circular from Hampshire Police.
I really hope this hasn’t scared you but it is better to be safe than sorry, as the saying has it. Now you know what can go wrong, you can take steps to minimise your losses and protect your property. Don’t forget that the university and police are here to help should you have any concerns or become the victim of any crime. Please stop by and let us know.
Until the next time, stay safe and happy studying!
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