From archive and architecture to social stories

From archive and architecture to social stories

Back in 2019, we posted an image from the University Archive of Anglesea building on Facebook. Anglesea sports two wall-mounted sculptures. We always knew the sculptor was an alumnus of Portsmouth College of Art, which became part of the University, but we did not know who…

Then, the sculptor’s nieces, Genevieve Gilchrist and Bec Snelling, unexpectedly contacted us through Facebook to let us know that the sculptor was her uncle, Jack Matthews. She told us that Jack attended Portsmouth Art College at the tender age of 11, so young he wasn’t allowed into the life drawing classes (no sketching nudes for impressionable young Jack!). He taught at St Martin’s Art College later in life.

So, thanks to the power of social networks, that’s one more mystery solved! Thanks, Genevieve!


If you are interested in the history of the University or want to use local historical sources for your study or research, from its earliest days as a Municipal College up to the present day, including artefacts, records, publications and photographs, please contact the University Archivist, Anna Delaney ( Anna is also heavily involved in supporting the local Heritage Hub and has extensive knowledge of Portsmouth Local History Centre, so she can help with a wide range of local history projects.

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Assistant Librarian (Promotions) at the University Library. An enthusiastic advocate of libraries, diversity, inclusion, equity, and social justice for all, inside and outside the workplace.

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