Uncovering the Archive

Uncovering the Archive
PMTI/3/2.3 Plan of the second floor of the Portsmouth Municipal College building, later Park Building [1905]

If you are researching the history of the University, the City or any other aspect of local history, don’t forget to check out the University Archive. Based in the University Library, the University Archive brings together selected materials and objects from the current university, its predecessors and associated organisations, including:

The Archive also hosts the Landau Collection – a collection of published works by local LGBTQ+ author, sculptor and academic Professor Rom Landau (1899 -1974), born Romuald Zbigniew Landau, with family papers formerly belonging to Rom’s brother Wlodzimierz Waclaw Gauthier-Landau. You can read more about Landau and the collection he bequeathed to the University here.

Never used an archive before?

Never fear – help is on hand. Our expert archivist is always on hand to help bring together documents, photographs, records and artefacts to support your research inquiry. Ask our archivist, Anna Delaney, how the archive could enrich your dissertation or other research project.

You can even download and browse the archival catalogues yourself on the University Archive webpage.

Women's hockey team
EDUC/15/3.10.21 Student hockey team at City of Portsmouth Training College [early 1940s]

The Archive is a growing collection

The Archive is now collecting items relevant to the history of the University, from records, brochures and leaflets to stained glass windows, artworks, and other artefacts. If you have something that you would like to add to the collection, refurbishment work is taking place in your building, or you have simply been asked to clear a former office and discover anything of potential historical interest to the story of the Univeristy, please get in touch and the Archivist will be pleased to discuss this with you.

Assistant Librarian (Promotions) at the University Library. An enthusiastic advocate of libraries, diversity, inclusion, equity, and social justice for all, inside and outside the workplace.

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