Preparing for the day ArtSTOR becomes JSTOR

Preparing for the day ArtSTOR becomes JSTOR

As I mentioned previously, Artstor is becoming one with JSTOR on 1 August. From August, you will be able to find everything you used to enjoy in ArtSTOR on JSTOR. If you haven’t transitioned to using Artstor on JSTOR, visit the welcome page to start making the switch today.

Preparing for the transition

On 29 July 2024, the latest version of your image groups will be updated and mapped to JSTOR folders. Any changes you make on or after this date will not be transferred to the new platform.

From 1 August, you will only be able to access JSTOR. Links to old ArtSTOR resources will be redirected. This means that any links to image groups and content in ArtSTOR should continue uninterrupted after the transition and your teaching materials should not be affected. If you do experience any problems, please contact Greta Friggens, Faculty Librarian for CCI (

Get up to speed with the new JSTOR image database

You can find an expanding set of guidance and help videos at: Getting started—Artstor on JSTOR: Working with images.

JSTOR are offering a webinar at 6 pm on Thursday 22 August 2024 where you can get updates on the latest time-saving features and functionality that supports the use of images on JSTOR. Click here to register.

Assistant Librarian (Promotions) at the University Library. An enthusiastic advocate of libraries, diversity, inclusion, equity, and social justice for all, inside and outside the workplace.

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