Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts

This visually inspiring resource comprises 170 ebooks relating to fashion and textiles, design and illustration, photography, film and media, architecture and interiors and marketing and advertising. You can search by keyword or browse key topics in each of the subject areas. Topics range from history of the subject, through to practical methods, portfolio design and careers information. Many of the books are also available in the library’s print collection, if you prefer to access them that way. However, Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts, is easy to use. You can dip in and out of chapters and create your own account where you can save items to a bookshelf so you can easily find them again. It even gives you an APA reference, although you may need to tweak it to UoP’s style.
To give you a flavour of the range of topics covered, here are some highlights from the collections:
Fashion and Textiles: Construction and sewing techniques, fashion retailing, zero waste fashion design
Design and Illustration: Visual communication, graphic design and typography, interactive design, product design and illustration
Photography: Creative photography, digital photography, train your gaze, reading photographs and setting up a successful photography business
Film and Media: Digital film-making, screenwriting, producing, script-writing for animation, stop motion animation as well as video game design
Architecture and Interiors: Sustainable architecture, urban design, landscape design, texture and materials, form and structure in interior architecture
Marketing and advertising: Fashion promotion, consumer behaviour, online marketing, brand-driven innovation and social media for fashion marketing.
So you can search and browse these topics or scan through all 170 ebooks from the database or you will find them when you are searching the library catalogue or Discovery. We hope to continue developing these collections as new elements become available. Enjoy!
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