Bloomsbury Architecture Library

This fabulous new resource is a collection of ebooks which you can search or browse by topic. Topics include place, period, style, peoples & culture. For those of you who prefer a print book, you will find many of the titles are also available on the library shelves. Exploring the Bloomsbury Architecture Library enables you to access relevant content within the books quickly and easily. For example, you may be interested in exploring the architecture of different countries; browsing by place enables you to see which countries are covered and takes you to the relevant books within the collection. You can take the same approach to different time periods and styles too.
There are currently 42 books within the collection, but this number will grow in future. Navigation is easy and you can set yourself up with a personal account to save a book to your bookshelf. You can also share the book with a friend, print a chapter and copy the citation for your reference list, although you will need to tweak it a little to match UoP’s APA style!
The collection also includes the recently updated seminal text, Sir Banister Fletcher’s Global History of Architecture. Volume 1 covers c. 3500 BCE to c. 1500 CE and Volume 2 covers c. 1500 CE to the present day. Each volume has sections for different time periods and chapters are arranged by country within them. For example, I had a look at Britain and Ireland, 1830-1914 and I could read the whole chapter or hyperlink to sections on history and geography, culture and society, architecture, key buildings and further reading. Each section is fully illustrated with photographs and diagrams as well as text.
I’m really looking forward to the new content coming very soon, a clickable world map linked to building pages and articles and an interactive timeline putting architecture history in perspective and providing context for movements, themes, and periods throughout architecture history!
Follow the link to Bloomsbury Architecture Library on the Library Catalogue. Just follow the ‘Online access’ link in the middle of the page and enjoy!
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