Feeling stressed? STOPP!
This week (14-21 May) is Mental Health Awareness Week. You can pick up business card sized reminders from the shelves beneath our Community Noticeboard near the Library Café.
- Stop!
- Take a breath (become aware of your breathing).
- Observe (be present, sink the mind into the body, become aware of your thoughts, feelings and sensations without judgement or trying to control any of them).
- Pull back and get some perspective (notice that you are worrying about something that dwindles in significance when considering the bigger picture – ask yourself, is this really as important as you imagine or if it just looks that way because you are so close to it?
- Proceed/practice what works – ask what will work/be the most effective thing to do next? Then do that
Want more advice? Download the STOPP app or visit www.getselfhelp.co.uk.
Remember that the University Wellbeing and UPSU Advice services are always here, and you can always visit your GP.
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