How far can you take type?

Ascii art depicting a man stood in swimming trunks with a summery drink with a straw
Ascii art by Elissa Potier. Reproduced with permission from the Ascii Art Archive –

Developed from a communication device into an impressive artistic tool in the nineteenth century, typed text is an art form that has lived on for well over a hundred years and effortlessly hurdled the digital revolution to be reborn as “ASCII art”, the ongoing art form of building instantly recognisable images using varying print density produced from arrangements of spaces and plain text typeface characters.

Taking a break from your revision and concentrating on other things can help you remember more, so take a few moments to enjoy these images from the original pioneers of typographic art.


Assistant Librarian (Promotions) at the University Library. An enthusiastic advocate of libraries, diversity, inclusion, equity, and social justice for all, inside and outside the workplace.

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