Helping students with more specialised subject searches is usually the realm of our Faculty Librarians and their assistants, but sometimes we Enquiries staff are asked questions which sit on the borderline of being specialist, and which we enjoy helping with. …

The building blocks of enquiries… Read more »

More books!  Our students demand it.  So do their lecturers for that matter. All the orders from academics and the Faculty Librarians are fed into a big computer in P&M that talks to another computer owned by a big book supplier “across …

Pablo in P&M – We must have more (books)! Read more »

I asked one of the nice Library Assistants why we still had any journals in print. “Is it because some people like to harken back to “ye good olde” days when electronic resources were limited to light switches and portable heaters?” …

Pablo in P&M – The stamp of approval Read more »