Have you ever spotted on the catalogue that some of our books are kept in the Rare Books Collection? Did you wonder why?  Or imagine what else is in there? Here at the library, staff treat all our books with …

Realms of Gold – Exploring Our Rare and Special Collections. Read more »

There was much excitement in the Library this week when Jisc named their Top Ten Social Media Superstars of 2017 in the Times Higher Education magazine, as our very own Pablo the Library Penguin made the list! The competition celebrates …

Library Penguin named among Jisc Top Ten Social Media Superstars 2017! Read more »

I’ve been taking my research much more seriously lately. It’s time I made some progress – I can’t let Pip keep rampaging through the Library like this for much longer, it’s far too distracting for the poor students! After the …

Discovering reliable academic sources… by Pablo the Penguin Read more »