Every reading list should be preceded with the words “don’t panic” in large, friendly letters. Almost everything you need to read for your course is available through the library. Most are available as ebooks that you can read from anywhere …

A librarian’s guide to saving money (on books) Read more »

Contrary to the prevailing myth that Black people arrived to an entirely white population mid-20th century on the Windrush, archaeological evidence suggests Britain was ethnically diverse from at least the time the Roman Empire arrived in Britain, facilitating international trade and mobility and have answered the call to aid Britain from every corner of her empire ever since.

Saluting sisters: celebrating the impact of Black British women This Black History Month, we are focusing on the history, legacies and lasting impact of Black women. With so much online content focused on Afro-Americans, I have tried to centre Black …

Black History Month in the Library 2023 Read more »

Welcome, welcome! If we haven’t met you yet, please don’t be strangers! Chat with us online, pop in and say hello, email us – the ways you can get library support are many, and help is always available 24/7.

Our “how we can help” page guides you through all our support services: click the blue question mark [?] button on any library webpage to begin.

The “Welcome” section of the Library website introduces the most important library services you will use over the next few years in a simple, bite-sized format. Here you will find a short welcome video, a self-guided virtual tour of the Library that can help you to familiarise yourself with the building before you even step through the doors, a guided audio tour of the building, a brief slideshow of things you will want to know before you arrive, and a link to our opening times webpage.

Drop in and close the door on the outside world with these newest additions to our informal drop-in meeting spaces. You might have seen the open-sided sound baffling drop-in meeting pods on the ground floor and the goldfish bowl style ones with the sliding doors but these latest additions to our collection of diverse study spaces really offer something new.