Black British women in sport and the media
Beyond the songwriters, actors, comedians and other performers taking the stage in the creative arts, Black British women are commanding leading roles in the media as presenters and sporting personalities.
Beyond the songwriters, actors, comedians and other performers taking the stage in the creative arts, Black British women are commanding leading roles in the media as presenters and sporting personalities.
Frustrated by the lack of disabled Black women in the media, Kym and Jumoke created a platform that brought together a blog, YouTube channel and podcast for sharing stories and talking about the intersectional discrimination faced by Black, disabled women that led to careers as influencers with a regular circuit of public speaking at festivals, in the press and at universities. They were recently named #Merky Books superheroes.
This month we have taken some of our wonderful Outside In World Children’s Books in Translation collection out of the library to a fantastic event organised by our Global team here at Portsmouth University. Also at the event were Hive …
We are always looking for ways to raise our standards, serve you better, and develop our services to meet your needs more effectively. This year, we have reviewed our performance measurement tools and published a suite of new Library Service Standards that ensure we always deliver on those things that matter the most to you.
The creative arts have long given expression to the downtrodden and the oppressed, enabling those with a less formal education to give affective expression to their experience. Still, mainstream media were created as exclusively white spaces and even now the appearance of Black women in key roles is groundbreaking. Still, Black women have spent decades laying claim to their share of the publishing infrastructure and are now taking centre stage in long running television and film franchises. Just take a look at these Black British women taking the creative industries by storm.
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The legacy of violent discrimination against Black people sadly continues to this day but it continues to act as a rallying call to powerful Black women who have risen up to help create a fairer Britain for everyone. Today, we salute those Black British women who have taken the political scene by storm and continue challenging the status quo in British politics.
Our Home Office papers all have a new home on the first floor. Look for the distinctive signs and the wooden bookshelves laden with Government studies into all aspects of crime and its prevention.
For some people, bustling crowds and noisy spaces are the stuff of nightmares. If this is you, there are some simple tricks and tips to getting hold of everything you need and hiding away in the quiet recesses of the …
The British winter can be a dull and depressing time, so it is important to find something fun to divert yourself until the two days in June when we actually see some sunshine. Happily, Time Out has helped us out …