Feeling stressed? Need to find a way to clear your mind and re-focus your thoughts? Well fear not, we have just the thing! Studies have shown that colouring is a therapeutic pastime with relaxing benefits similar to those achieved through …

Creating colouring: stress relief for you and a learning curve for me Read more »

A funny thing happened on the way to the forum, or should that read Blackwells, last week! I didn’t want to venture very far.  My lunch buddy had cancelled, the drizzle had started and I needed to buy a sandwich …

I only went into Blackwells to browse through their world music collection Read more »

The history of the University of Portsmouth stretches back to 1869.  A display telling the story of the various institutions which became our current university is now on show at the Portsmouth History Centre until mid-May.  The display is a joint project between Portsmouth …

University of Portsmouth: Our History exhibition Read more »

Strategic plans often seem a little detached from day to day work, don’t they? Filled with buzz words and positive intentions, and printed on glossy paper to stand out from the other communications we receive, they can come across as …

Research and the Enquiries team: Rambling into Research (Part 1) Read more »