New Books February 2025

The following is a list of new books received by the Library during February. More complete listings for the year can be found on our website’s new books page.

001.09 Nexus : a brief history of information networks from thHarari, Yuval N.
150.2373Career paths in psychology : where your degree can take
150.72Experimental psychology / Barry H. Kantowitz, Henry L. Kantowitz, Barry H.
153Cognitive psychology : a student’s handbook / Michael WEysenck, Michael W.
153Cognition : exploring the science of the mind / Daniel Reisberg, Daniel
155.4024361Child development : a practitioner’s guide / Douglas DaDavies, Douglas, 1942-
303.34Introduction to leadership : concepts and practice / PeNorthouse, Peter G.
303.4834The new empire of AI : the future of global inequality Adams, Rachel
305.231How children develop / Robert S. Siegler, Teachers CollSiegler, Robert S.
305.8914126British Bangladeshi Muslims in the East End : the changRajina, Fatima
327.1202855Open source intelligence techniques : resources for seaBazzell, Michael
327.12092Pistols! Treason! Murder! : the rise and fall of a mastWalker, Jonathan, 1969-
327.561Capitalism, Jacobinism and international relations : reDuzgun, Eren, 1981-
338.04Entrepreneurship : choice and strategy / Joshua Gans, EGans, Joshua, 1968-
344.420313Social work law / Alison BrammerBrammer, Alison
364.10941History of policing, crime, disorder, punishment / PeteJoyce, Peter
371.3High-impact design for online courses : blueprinting quSimunich, Bethany
371.33Adventures in authentic learning : 21 step-by-step projHarrington, Kristin
378.1202856Generative AI for academics / Mark CarriganCarrigan, Mark (Mark Alexander)
378.73The learning-centered university : making college a morMintz, Steven, 1953-
394.2068Event management : for tourism, cultural, business and Van der Wagen, Lynn
420.9The history of English : an introductionGramley, Stephan, 1943-
511.3The logic, philosophy, and history of the lambda-calculZerpa, Levis
610.737069The wellbeing and resilience workbook for ambulance cliSimmons, Laura
612Anatomy & physiology made incredibly easy! / clinical e
615.1Pharmacy management of long-term medical conditions / EPharmaceutical Press
616.025Critical care paramedicine : a case-based approach / ed
616.025Decision making in paramedic practice / edited by Andy
616.8526The psychology of eating : from healthy to disordered bOgden, Jane, 1966-
617.67Dental caries : the disease and its clinical management
618.97025Urgent and emergency care of the older person : a guide
649.64Sleeping through the night : how infants, toddlers, andMindell, Jodi A.
658.155Project risk management guidelines : managing risk withCooper, Dale F.
658.3Contemporary human resource management : text and cases
658.3Human resource management / edited by Ronan Carbery, Ch
658.408Principles of business & management : practicing ethicsLaasch, Oliver
667.26The art and science of natural dyes : principles, experBoutrup, Joy
693.2Rammed earth structures : a code of practice / Julian KKeable, Julian
720.92Reyner Banham and the paradoxes of high tech / Todd GanGannon, Todd
741.6Logo / Michael EvamyEvamy, Michael
746Reading the thread : cloth and communication / edited b
746.13Vegetable Dyes: A Book Of Recipes And Information UsefuMairet, Ethel M.
813.6The trees / Percival EverettEverett, Percival
820.8Room : a novel / Emma DonoghueDonoghue, Emma, 1969-
820.93579Literary illusions : performance magic and Victorian liPittard, Christopher
823.9121984 / George OrwellOrwell, George
823.914Room : a novel / Emma DonoghueDonoghue, Emma, 1969-
839.3137What dog knows / Sylvia Vanden Heede and Inge Bergh; ilHeede, Sylvia Vanden
895.635After dark / Haruki Murakami ; translated from the JapaMurakami, Haruki, 1949-
895.65After dark / Haruki Murakami ; translated from the JapaMurakami, Haruki, 1949-
909.097244Décolonisations? : élites, jeunesse et pouvoir en AfriqBancel, Nicolas
909.82International history of the twentieth century and beyoBest, Antony, 1964-
941.0856A northern wind : Britain, 1962-65 / David KynastonKynaston, David
956.94The destruction of Palestine is the destruction of the Malm, Andreas, 1977-
962.055Anticolonial afterlives in Egypt : the politics of hegeSalem, Sara, 1988-

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