New Books January 2025

The following is a list of new books received by the Library during January. More complete listings for the year can be found on our website’s new books page.

001.4220285 Qualitative data analysis with NVivo / Jenine BeekhuyzeBeekhuyzen, Jenine, 1974-
004.678 Fundamentals of Internet of things : for students and pDian, F. John
005.8 IT governance : an international guide to data securityCalder, Alan, 1957-
006.2483995 Your face belongs to us : the secretive AI startup dismHill, Kashmir
020.721 Applications of social research methods to questions in
121.68 Gadamer’s Truth and method : a polyphonic commentary /
150 Psychology / G. Neil Martin, Neil R. CarlsonMartin, G. Neil
150.15195 Statistical methods for psychology / David C. HowellHowell, David C.
155.67 Aging and development : social and emotional perspectivColeman, Peter G.
174.2 Bioethics : a nursing perspective / Megan-Jane JohnstonJohnstone, Megan-Jane
174.93613 Ethics / Sarah Banks, with responses from Frederic G. RBanks, Sarah
300.72 How to do your literature review / Gary ThomasThomas, Gary, 1950-
303.4834 Genesis : artificial intelligence, hope, and the human Kissinger, Henry, 1923-2023
303.4834 Supremacy : AI, ChatGPT and the race that will change tOlson, Parmy
304.209 The burning earth : a material history of the last 500 Amrith, Sunil
305.4208996 How we write now : living with Black feminist theory / Nash, Jennifer C., 1980-
307.1216 The Biopolitical Garden / Paola ViganoVigano, Paola
327.128309047 The Condor years : how Pinochet and his allies brought Dinges, John, 1941-
330.09 How economics explains the world : a short history of hLeigh, Andrew, 1972-
338.04 Entrepreneurship : choice and strategy / Joshua Gans, EGans, Joshua, 1968-
338.9 Power and prosperity : outgrowing communist and capitalOlson, Mancur
338.927 Handbook of the circular economy : transitions and tran
344.046 Environmental law : text, cases, and materials / ElizabFisher, Elizabeth (Elizabeth Charlotte)
363.252 Evidence-based policing : translating research into praLum, Cynthia M.
370.115 Skills builder handbook for educators : teaching and asRavenscroft, T
371.10023 Achieving your diploma in teaching (FE & skills) : puttGravells, Ann
371.1024 A quick guide to behaviour management / Bob Bates, AndyBates, Bob, 1951-
371.33463 Generative AI in the classroom / Laura KnightKnight, Laura
378.101 Hoshin Kanri in higher education : a guide to strategy
378.73 The learning-centered university : making college a morMintz, Steven, 1953-
394.2068 Events management : an introduction / Charles Bladen, JBladen, Charles
394.2068 Events management / Glenn A.J. Bowdin, Johnny Allen, WiBowdin, G. A. J.
401.45 The Cambridge handbook of irony and thought / edited by
510.9 The four corners of mathematics : a brief history, fromWaters, Thomas
534.0287 Sensory evaluation of sound / edited by Nick Zacharov
539.72 A standard model workbook / Thomas A. MooreMoore, Thomas A. (Thomas Andrew)
570.1 Jakob von Uexku¨ll and philosophy : life, environments,
570.92 Jakob von Uexku¨ll : the discovery of the umwelt betweeBrentari, Carlo
580.19 The light eaters / Zoe¨ SchlangerSchlanger, Zoe¨
590.1 A foray into the worlds of animals and humans ; : with,Uexku¨ll, Jakob von, 1864-1944
594.4770966 Marine Bivalves of Tropical West Africa from Rio de OroCosel, Rudo von
613.024361 The A-to-Z self-care handbook for social workers and ot
613.7 Advanced fitness assessment and exercise prescription /Gibson, Ann L.
616.852207 The neuropsychology of anxiety : an enquiry into the fuMcNaughton, Neil, 1947-
616.8554 Knotted tongues : stuttering in history and the quest fBobrick, Benson, 1947-
617.585 Update on fibro-cartilaginous disease / edited by Micha
617.6 Little and Falace’s dental management of the medically Kerr, A. Ross
617.632 Practical periodontics / edited by Kenneth A. Eaton, Ph
617.632 Periodontology at a glanceClerehugh, Valerie
621.5609 Frostbite : how refrigeration changed our food, our plaTwilley, Nicola
623.81 Principles of Naval Architecture
629.442 A city on Mars : can we settle space, should we settle Weinersmith, Kelly
658.11 Business for punks : break all the rules – the Brewdog Watt, James
658.155 Fundamentals of risk management : understanding, evaluaBoothroyd, Kate
658.3 Armstrong’s handbook of strategic human resource manageArmstrong, Michael, 1928-
658.3 Resourcing and talent management : the theory and practTaylor, Stephen, 1965-
658.72 Stakeholder relationships : core study guide level 2 / Grinsted, Keith
720.7 Urban literacy : reading and writing architecture / KlaHavik, Klaske, 1975-
770 Photography performing humor / edited by Mieke Bleyen a
791.4309593 Thailand, Western cinema, and imagery : misrepresentatiRussell, A
793.92 Dungeons & Dragons player’s handbook : the world’s grea
793.93 Dungeon’s master guide
793.93 Monster manual
796.023 Working in sport : a practical approach to understandinPorreca, Rocco P.
796.069 Managing major sports events : theory and practice / MiParent, Milena M.
796.0694 Strategic sports event management / Guy MastermanMasterman, Guy
808.5 Vocal power : harnessing the power within : the vocal aJoseph, Arthur
809.3 The art of the novel / Milan Kundera ; translated from Kundera, Milan
813.6 Annie bot / Sierra GreerGreer, Sierra
820.8 The little stranger / Sarah WatersWaters, Sarah, 1966-
823.914 The little stranger / Sarah WatersWaters, Sarah, 1966-
823.92 Lake of darkness / Adam RobertsRoberts, Adam (Adam Charles)
941.085 Values, voice and virtue : the new British politics / MGoodwin, Matthew J.
973.933 How autocrats abuse power : resistance to Trump and TruAbel, Richard L.
973.933 Exceptional me : how Donald Trump exploited the discourGilmore, Jason

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