New Books January 2025
The following is a list of new books received by the Library during January. More complete listings for the year can be found on our website’s new books page.
Classmark | Title | Author |
001.4220285 | Qualitative data analysis with NVivo / Jenine Beekhuyze | Beekhuyzen, Jenine, 1974- |
004.678 | Fundamentals of Internet of things : for students and p | Dian, F. John |
005.8 | IT governance : an international guide to data security | Calder, Alan, 1957- |
006.2483995 | Your face belongs to us : the secretive AI startup dism | Hill, Kashmir |
020.721 | Applications of social research methods to questions in | |
121.68 | Gadamer’s Truth and method : a polyphonic commentary / | |
150 | Psychology / G. Neil Martin, Neil R. Carlson | Martin, G. Neil |
150.15195 | Statistical methods for psychology / David C. Howell | Howell, David C. |
155.67 | Aging and development : social and emotional perspectiv | Coleman, Peter G. |
174.2 | Bioethics : a nursing perspective / Megan-Jane Johnston | Johnstone, Megan-Jane |
174.93613 | Ethics / Sarah Banks, with responses from Frederic G. R | Banks, Sarah |
300.72 | How to do your literature review / Gary Thomas | Thomas, Gary, 1950- |
303.4834 | Genesis : artificial intelligence, hope, and the human | Kissinger, Henry, 1923-2023 |
303.4834 | Supremacy : AI, ChatGPT and the race that will change t | Olson, Parmy |
304.209 | The burning earth : a material history of the last 500 | Amrith, Sunil |
305.4208996 | How we write now : living with Black feminist theory / | Nash, Jennifer C., 1980- |
307.1216 | The Biopolitical Garden / Paola Vigano | Vigano, Paola |
327.128309047 | The Condor years : how Pinochet and his allies brought | Dinges, John, 1941- |
330.09 | How economics explains the world : a short history of h | Leigh, Andrew, 1972- |
338.04 | Entrepreneurship : choice and strategy / Joshua Gans, E | Gans, Joshua, 1968- |
338.9 | Power and prosperity : outgrowing communist and capital | Olson, Mancur |
338.927 | Handbook of the circular economy : transitions and tran | |
344.046 | Environmental law : text, cases, and materials / Elizab | Fisher, Elizabeth (Elizabeth Charlotte) |
363.252 | Evidence-based policing : translating research into pra | Lum, Cynthia M. |
370.115 | Skills builder handbook for educators : teaching and as | Ravenscroft, T |
371.10023 | Achieving your diploma in teaching (FE & skills) : putt | Gravells, Ann |
371.1024 | A quick guide to behaviour management / Bob Bates, Andy | Bates, Bob, 1951- |
371.33463 | Generative AI in the classroom / Laura Knight | Knight, Laura |
378.101 | Hoshin Kanri in higher education : a guide to strategy | |
378.73 | The learning-centered university : making college a mor | Mintz, Steven, 1953- |
394.2068 | Events management : an introduction / Charles Bladen, J | Bladen, Charles |
394.2068 | Events management / Glenn A.J. Bowdin, Johnny Allen, Wi | Bowdin, G. A. J. |
401.45 | The Cambridge handbook of irony and thought / edited by | |
510.9 | The four corners of mathematics : a brief history, from | Waters, Thomas |
534.0287 | Sensory evaluation of sound / edited by Nick Zacharov | |
539.72 | A standard model workbook / Thomas A. Moore | Moore, Thomas A. (Thomas Andrew) |
570.1 | Jakob von Uexku¨ll and philosophy : life, environments, | |
570.92 | Jakob von Uexku¨ll : the discovery of the umwelt betwee | Brentari, Carlo |
580.19 | The light eaters / Zoe¨ Schlanger | Schlanger, Zoe¨ |
590.1 | A foray into the worlds of animals and humans ; : with, | Uexku¨ll, Jakob von, 1864-1944 |
594.4770966 | Marine Bivalves of Tropical West Africa from Rio de Oro | Cosel, Rudo von |
613.024361 | The A-to-Z self-care handbook for social workers and ot | |
613.7 | Advanced fitness assessment and exercise prescription / | Gibson, Ann L. |
616.852207 | The neuropsychology of anxiety : an enquiry into the fu | McNaughton, Neil, 1947- |
616.8554 | Knotted tongues : stuttering in history and the quest f | Bobrick, Benson, 1947- |
617.585 | Update on fibro-cartilaginous disease / edited by Micha | |
617.6 | Little and Falace’s dental management of the medically | Kerr, A. Ross |
617.632 | Practical periodontics / edited by Kenneth A. Eaton, Ph | |
617.632 | Periodontology at a glance | Clerehugh, Valerie |
621.5609 | Frostbite : how refrigeration changed our food, our pla | Twilley, Nicola |
623.81 | Principles of Naval Architecture | |
629.442 | A city on Mars : can we settle space, should we settle | Weinersmith, Kelly |
658.11 | Business for punks : break all the rules – the Brewdog | Watt, James |
658.155 | Fundamentals of risk management : understanding, evalua | Boothroyd, Kate |
658.3 | Armstrong’s handbook of strategic human resource manage | Armstrong, Michael, 1928- |
658.3 | Resourcing and talent management : the theory and pract | Taylor, Stephen, 1965- |
658.72 | Stakeholder relationships : core study guide level 2 / | Grinsted, Keith |
720.7 | Urban literacy : reading and writing architecture / Kla | Havik, Klaske, 1975- |
770 | Photography performing humor / edited by Mieke Bleyen a | |
791.4309593 | Thailand, Western cinema, and imagery : misrepresentati | Russell, A |
793.92 | Dungeons & Dragons player’s handbook : the world’s grea | |
793.93 | Dungeon’s master guide | |
793.93 | Monster manual | |
796.023 | Working in sport : a practical approach to understandin | Porreca, Rocco P. |
796.069 | Managing major sports events : theory and practice / Mi | Parent, Milena M. |
796.0694 | Strategic sports event management / Guy Masterman | Masterman, Guy |
808.5 | Vocal power : harnessing the power within : the vocal a | Joseph, Arthur |
809.3 | The art of the novel / Milan Kundera ; translated from | Kundera, Milan |
813.6 | Annie bot / Sierra Greer | Greer, Sierra |
820.8 | The little stranger / Sarah Waters | Waters, Sarah, 1966- |
823.914 | The little stranger / Sarah Waters | Waters, Sarah, 1966- |
823.92 | Lake of darkness / Adam Roberts | Roberts, Adam (Adam Charles) |
941.085 | Values, voice and virtue : the new British politics / M | Goodwin, Matthew J. |
973.933 | How autocrats abuse power : resistance to Trump and Tru | Abel, Richard L. |
973.933 | Exceptional me : how Donald Trump exploited the discour | Gilmore, Jason |
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