New Books November 2024

The following is a list of new books received by the Library during November. More complete listings for the year can be found on our website’s new books page

001.42 Visual methods for digital research : an introduction /Niederer, Sabine
006.3 How AI thinks : how we built it, how it can help us, anToon, Nigel
155.2 The personality puzzle / David C. FunderFunder, David Charles
156 Measuring behaviour : an introductory guideBateson, Melissa
204.4 The power of ritual : turning everyday activities into Kuile, Casper ter
266.00922 Further Maoriland Adventures of J. W. and E. Stack / edStack, James West, 1835-1919
303.60941 Solutions to knife crime : a path through the red sea? Roberts, Sue
304.28 The global casino : an introduction to environmental isMiddleton, Nick
306.362092 Abina and the important men : a graphic history / TrevoGetz, Trevor R.
307.14 Palaces for the people : how to build a more equal and Klinenberg, Eric
321.709 Magic and English romanticism / Anya TaylorTaylor, Anya
342.083 Citizenship : new trajectories in law / Engin IsinIsin, Engin F. (Engin Fahri), 1959-
346.42082 Principles of banking lawCranston, Ross
355.00820973 The Life of the African-American Career Military Woman Straughn, Camelia
361.32 A guide to statutory social work interventions : the liHughes, Mel
363.250941 Crime scene to court : the essentials of forensic scien
364.1536 Remembering Satan / Lawrence WrightWright, Lawrence, 1947-
364.941 Politics and public protection / by Mike Nash and Andy Nash, Mike, Dr.
370.158 The third teacher / by OWP/P Architects, VS Furniture a
382.30973 No trade is free : changing course, taking on China, anLighthizer, Robert E., 1947-
420 Parler breton au XXIe sie`cle : le nouveau sondage de TBroudig, Fan~ch
491.68 Le Breton : une langue en questions / Fan~ch BroudicBroudic, Fañ~ch
491.6809 Histoire de la langue Bretonne / Fañch BroudicBroudic, Fañch
588.209989 Illustrated moss flora of Antarctica / by Ryszard OchyrOchyra, Ryszard
616.9941 Haematolymphoid tumours
618.1907572 Fundamentals of mammography / Susan Williams, Kathryn TWilliams, Susan
658.3124 The learning and development handbook : a learning pracParry-Slater, Michelle
658.8 Marketing management / Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane KellerKotler, Philip
667.26 The Studio Formulas Set for The Art and Science of NatuBoutrup, Joy
700.103 Culture of crisis and extinction : idealism and ideologLe, Kim
712 Landscape for Architects / Landschaft Für Architekten /Kiefer, Gabriele
720.23 RIBA principal designer’s guide / Dieter Bentley-GockmaBentley-Gockmann, Dieter
720.284 The artful plan : architectural drawing reconfigured /
724.6 Roots of modern architecture / text by Christian NorberNorberg-Schulz, Christian
726.50941 Rice’s church primer / Matthew RiceRice, Matthew
728 SQM the Quantified HomeSpace CaviarSpace Caviar.
728.0940904 Housing atlas : Europe, 20th century / Orsina Simona PiPierini, Simona
728.37309773263 The Edith Farnsworth House : architecture, preservationSabatino, Michelangelo
746.6 The modern natural dyer : a comprehensive guide to dyeiVejar, Kristine
747.75089041 The front room : diaspora migrant aesthetics in the homMacMillan, C. Michael
770.92520941 Shining lights : Black women photographers in 1980s-’90
778.92608664 Calling the shots : a queer history of photography / ed
793.93 Xanathar’s guide to everything
793.93 GM core / Logan Bonner, Mark SeifterBonner, Logan
793.93 Monster core / Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Stephen RadBonner, Logan
793.93 Player’s Handbook / Player’s handbook lead, Jeremy CrawCrawford, Jeremy
793.93 Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything (D&D Rules Expansion) (DWizards RPG Team,
796.323 Stuff Good Players Should Know / DeVenzioDeVenzio
808.042 Thinking through writing : a guide to becoming a betterKaag, John, 1979-
809.9164 The evolution of the weird tale / S.T. JoshiJoshi, S. T., 1958-
809.93358 The imagery of interior spaces / edited by Dominique Ba
810.9928709034 Doing literary business : American women writers in theCoultrap-McQuin, Susan
813.52 The grappleCooke, Grace MacGowan, 1863-1944
820.93556 Child murder and British culture, 1720-1900 / JosephineMcDonagh, Josephine
909.0917244 Histoire globale de la France coloniale / sous la direc
919.404 The Pursuit Of Wonder : how Australia’s landscape was eHorne, Julia

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