Library Turns Green to Bronze
by Michele Game
The University has been charged with reducing their carbon emissions by 30% by 2016, and to help them achieve that, teams have been set up across the campus to support that vision. They are doing this by taking part in the “Green Impact Scheme”.
“Green Impact” is a framework of actions that help University staff improve the environmental performance of their department and the University as a whole.
The Library achieved the bronze award for the second year in a row by encouraging staff to double side printing, shut down PC’s and turn off lights (rather than leaving them on at the end of the day) and to be more responsible with recycling.
You too can help your library and university by adopting some of the same practices. It is always good to double side your printing and photocopying to save paper; to shut down your PC when no longer needed rather than leaving it on standby, and to make sure that any recycling is not contaminated with liquids or food. As well as the standard recycling bins in the library, there are several recycling bins which have a separate area for unwanted food or drink.
So although it’s not easy being green with a little thought we can all improve our environment and maybe next year we might even achieve a silver award…
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