We’re wearing our hats for #WearAHatDay
#WearAHatDay is the UK’s largest and most famous national brain tumour awareness and fundraising campaign, created by Brain Tumour Research. They run #WearAHatDay as an awareness raising campaign throughout March, which is National Brain Tumour Awareness Month. As our University is involved in this research, we were early adopters, and this is our fourth year of hat-wearing!
Never ones to shy away from making fools of ourselves for good cause, it’s become a regular fixture in our calendar of charitable activity, and we pride ourselves in coming up with bigger, better and sillier headwear each year. So, if you see a member of library staff wilting under the weight of a wonderous woolly hat, or looking ponderous in a papal mitre, be reassured, you’re not imagining things!
This campaign supports a deadly serious issue: Brain tumours are the biggest cancer killer of children and adults under 40. The research is woefully underfunded, with less than 1% of the national government spending on cancer research being channelled towards brain tumours. If donning a crown, beret, fascinator or bowler for a day can help bring about an improvement, then it’s more than worth the inevitable “hat hair” that we’ll all be suffering from by home time…
For more information about Brain Tumour Research and #WearAHatDay, visit their website at http://www.braintumourresearch.org/wearahatday
So here we are making fools of ourselves … this slideshow will run automatically, but click on any image to skip ahead.
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