The theme for Children’s Mental Health Week 2025 is focus is know yourself, grow yourself and aims to equip and empower children and young people across the UK to embrace self-awareness and explore what it means to them. It aims to help children and young people to build resilience, grow and develop through increasing self-awareness and expressing their emotions.

Through my work as a travel, documentary photographer, I have had the opportunity to capture moments where humanity and nature intersect in the most unexpected and beautiful ways. In every corner of the world, there are stories unfolding that showcase the delicate balance between the concrete jungles we build and the natural world that continues to coexist alongside us.

This exhibition is not only a collection of images but a powerful message I feel compelled to share with the next generation — one that highlights the profound connection between humans, animals, and the natural world around us. As a photographer who has travelled to various cities across the globe, I have come to realize that this relationship is essential for the survival and health of our urban spaces.

29 January marks the start of the Chinese Year of the Snake in the popular interpretation of the Chinese Zodiac. The Chinese calendar is a cyclical lunisolar calendar that still holds great cultural and religious significance in many Far Eastern cultures. One of the biggest celebrations of the Chinese year, celebrated by a series of festivities rooted in Chinese folklore, such as fireworks and firecrackers.

The Holocaust proved what can happen given the right conditions, with a compliant people under the sway of a demagogue. It reminds us of the ever-present threat of tyranny, discrimination and persecution that we must resist every day. It is up to each of us to challenge language, assumptions and behaviours that have no place in an inclusive society.

Every year, you tell us that our resources were one of the things you like most about your courses.  We are excited to empower you to fulfil your potential and go further, and have spent nearly £3 million on resources to ensure you have everything you need to succeed.  We have also worked hard to make it easier to understand how to find and use our electronic resources.