Postgraduate study is a totally different animal. What do I mean by this? First of all, you are more mature and experienced than when you started your undergraduate studies. You should be more focussed as well. Which direction do you …

A brief look at the life of a postgraduate… Read more »

How did your academic year go? Do you normally judge your success and contentment by the marks you get? Have you ever thought that you could learn from your mistakes as well as your successes? Reflection Reflection is mighty important …

It’s the end of the year – try some reflection Read more »

Around Easter time, it is final hand in for a lot of you, from essays to end-of-year reports or dissertations. Now you have done the hard work researching your topic and formulating your arguments, how do you make sure you …

The artful editor – all you need to know at this time of the year Read more »

Did you know there is a difference between taking notes and making notes? Notetaking means taking notes from original source (later you decide what to quote or paraphrase). Notemaking, however, is your active engagement with what you have read/ heard …

Taking good notes might sound boring to some but read on… Read more »

This visually inspiring resource comprises 170 ebooks relating to fashion and textiles, design and illustration, photography, film and media, architecture and interiors and marketing and advertising. You can search by keyword or browse key topics in each of the subject …

Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts Read more »

I wish I could think of a witty punchline, but I can’t so I’m going to share some highlights of the ARCLIB, Architecture Librarians Conference which I attended, recently, at De Montfort University in Leicester. The conference began with an …

What do librarians do in the summer? Read more »

The University Library is delighted to have an exhibition of unique artists books by Guy Begbie. Guy describes his practice as “multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary.” The books demonstrate techniques including printmaking, drawing, painting, small scale casting, video media and bookbinding. Bookworks is displayed in the glass cabinet near the …

Guy Begbie’s Architectural Bookworks Read more »

We are pleased to display a series of experimental artist’s books produced by Guy Begbie.  You can find some of these books displayed in the first glass cabinet on your left as you enter the Library Atrium and still more …

Artist’s books by Guy Begbie now on display Read more »