French Art Deco, Jared Goss, London: Thames and Hudson, 2014. I was invited by Greta to select a book of my choice (from Creative & Cultural Industries) and as I’m about to pick a topic for my Dissertation I thought …

Creative Arts Book of the Week: Special Guest Reviewer: Cat Askew Read more »

I’ve just got back from exploring the Ken Norrish Architecture Collection at the Portsmouth History Centre in the Central Library. An eclectic mix of books, which the book plates inside explain were donated by his wife Georgette Norrish, “To inspire architects.” …

Ken Norrish Architecture Collection Read more »

The Vice Chancellor officially opened the Library Book Nook today, commenting that it was important both in itself and as a testament to the commitment of the Library both to supporting the rounded development of our clients and encouraging a balanced approach to …

Vice Chancellor officially opens the Library Book Nook Read more »

Since he left the University of Portsmouth Business School, Joseph Kahuma has been on a mission.  Returning to Uganda after 14 years in the UK, Joseph started a high education consultancy service firm inspired by two of his MBA projects that have …

Former student launches Ugandan resource centre with second hand Library books Read more »

Feeling stressed? Need to find a way to clear your mind and re-focus your thoughts? Well fear not, we have just the thing! Studies have shown that colouring is a therapeutic pastime with relaxing benefits similar to those achieved through …

Creating colouring: stress relief for you and a learning curve for me Read more »