We want everyone to feel welcome and enjoy everything the Library has to offer. We believe cognitive, sensory, mobility, and other differences should not be a barrier to getting the most from your Library, and so offer additional services we hope will remove any barriers to your learning.

Taylor & Francis eBooks now come with a redesigned eReader available from Taylorfrancis.com offering a redeveloped, simpler, seamless and inclusive reading experience. Available now for ebook chapters and downloads, and replacing the old ereader for reading entire ebooks online from 16 February, the new ebook reader supports the more accessible and feature rich ePub format as well as sporting a more intuitive interface.

A lot of lecturers and librarians then asked what was going to happen to all the links pointing to specific chapters/pages of these ebooks, because most reading lists rely on deep linking to work. EBSCO thought about this briefly, then came back to reassure everyone that they are going to make sure all these deep links continue to work after the change. This has meant that the introduction of the epub format ebooks has been delayed by a few weeks.

Come late late January, Ebook Central will be moving from using pdf to epub format ebooks. This will make these ebooks easier to read and navigate, display better on more devices, and allow publishers to build interactive audio and video into their devices.

For some people, crowds and noisy spaces are the stuff of nightmares.Ā  If this sounds like you, there are some simple ways to get the books you need, use the library, ask questions when you need to, avoid all the noise and bustle, and find a place to work quietly without distractions.Ā  Simply follow these simple tips…

Many people find the University Library a little offputting. Perhaps it is the sheer scale of the building compared with the broom cupboard type libraries most students are used to at school or the vast array of print and electronic resources on offer but many people just don’t know where to start. Start by asking us – we are very friendly and are very used to helping students settle in and get off to a great start.

I have blogged before about productivity tools and tried to sound enthusiastic but this time I have hit gold. Thanks to the rise of our future AI overlords, we have Goblin Tools: an app that offers to turn the chaos …

Introducing Goblin Tools – at last, an app to manage your whole life Read more »

There are quite a few extensions for the Google Chrome browser that can transform your web browsing experience. Some strip out visual clutter, some display the page headings structure on one side so you can jump straight to the part of the page you want, while others help you speed read text or read it out to you so you can listen to the printed word. These extensions can make life easier for anyone, whether you struggle to read text, learn better from hearing information instead of reading it, have tired eyes or need to multitask and so prefer to listen, or you learn best by reading and listening to something, separately or at the same time.

There are many free downloads for the Google Chrome web browser. Some of the plug-ins and extensions available from the Chrome Web Store render the web easier to read and understand, particularly if you struggle with large blocks of text or distracting side bar images.