With the new Budget coming out on 6 March 2024, there has never been a better time to familiarise yourself with everything being said about the country’s finances. The Budget Service from Lexis+ provides all the relevant full-text content on the day of the budget, providing an invaluable resource of information on changes brought in by the Budget, including the full budget speech, press releases, budget notes, resolutions, and a budget summary from the Tolley Tax Editorial Team.

Oxford University Press (OUP) have made their most read History resources from 2023 freely available to everyone until 30th April 2024 covering a wide range of historical topics. Until the end of April, you have access to more ebook chapters, research encyclopedia entries, and journal articles than ever before.

On 28 June 1969, police raided a gay club in Greenwich Village, New York. Not an unsurprising event – it was still illegal for men to dance together in a nightclub, let alone have consensual sexual relationships, and “masquerading” as the opposite sex, for example, as a drag queen, was also a crime. A club such as Stonewall, which was attended mostly by Black and Latinx men and drag queens, was somewhere the police expected to close down without incident. Instead, the anger of the racially and sexually oppressed erupted into a riot, in turn spawning further riots and protests across the city. The riots focused national attention on the social injustice faced by homosexuals in America and sparked the conversation about tolerance and equality that has seen so much change until today.

Most people are brought up to believe there are two genders, male and female, that are separate and distinct. This is the basis of our understanding of sexual diversity – people are seen either to be attracted to people of the ‘same sex’ or the ‘opposite sex’. Life would be much simpler were this actually so…

What’s in a name? Often, a name focuses the mind and tells us what is important to a movement.

Until the nineteenth century, there was no word for being gay. Once the feelings people had for one another could be described separately from the physical act of making love, progress started to come slowly. At least for gay men. History has shown us that even within a community, and within a movement, different groups are privileged far above others.