We’ve received so many lovely global messages of goodwill in languages as diverse as the designs taken from our collection of books from across the world. There’s still the whole of the rest of Global Week to look forward to, including the ever spectacular Festival of Cultures on Thursday.

In times past, neurodiversity was considered a developmental disorder and these labels were handed out as diagnoses that indicated some form of incapability. Attitudes are now changing. As I have argued in previous blog posts, people who are physically or neurologically different tend to be disabled by society, as opposed to being disabled in and of themselves.

Several neurodiverse conditions often arise in the same person and are more common among LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer, etc.) people. For example, dyslexia is common among people with some form of ADHD and/or dyslexia, and sometimes other selective challenges in language learning.  Once a person’s brain starts on the journey to being diverse, it seems it often becomes diverse in myriad ways.

Happy Neurodiversity Awareness Week!

Everyone is unique, has a different set of strengths and weaknesses, and works best on their own, and works best in their own but because sufficiently many people are Neurodiversity, also sometimes known as neurodivergence, describes a range of ways in which some people think and process sensory stimuli differently from most people.

Have you ever wondered which are the common parts of place names and how they are distributed across the country? It is something fascinating to explore.

Type in a place name or part of a place name, like ham, ford or ton and see how that name is distributed across placenames on a map of Britain using this fascinating linguistic mapping tool released by the National Library of Scotland based on a dataset compiled by own own Geography Department, among others.

Our friendly library staff will be offering personalised introductions to the APA (7th ed.) referencing style. Learn the tips and tricks that make referencing so much faster and simpler. Find us in the Library Atrium from 1-3 pm Monday-Friday between 24 March and 4 April.  

stop by the Library Atrium on Monday-Tuesday next week, 17-18 March, and shared your message of goodwill. Stop by and share a local saying from your home county (including Britain!).

Looking for fun fiction and pleasure reading? The public library tuk-tuk truck will be parking on the plaza on the Tuesday with a selection of international fiction and to sign up new members for free access to their ebooks, audiobooks and all their print book collections.

The tuk-tuk on campus - come say hello when it next visits!

Looking for fun fiction and pleasure reading? The public library tuk-tuk truck is visiting the campus twice in two weeks!

The public library offers a vast collection of fiction and popular nonfiction that goes far beyond what is taught at the University and therefore is beyond what the University Library can hope to offer. If you love listening to audiobooks (fact and fiction), browsing digital magazines (do check out our PressReader app as well!), and reading fiction in print or downloading novels to read on your ebook reader, you will love the free collections available from your local public library.

The tuk-tuk on campus - come say hello when it next visits!

Looking to read more for pleasure? Fan of fiction? Love listening to audiobooks? You’ll love your local public library!

The only thing you might love more is that they are coming to campus to save you visiting them to join. The Library tuk-tuk van is visiting on 13 May for Feel Good Fest and 18 May for Global Week, signing up new members for free and sharing the vast print, electronic and audiobook collections of fiction and nonfiction books and magazines the public library has to offer.

They would love to meet you, and we feel sure you would love what they have to offer!

A new copy of our premier journal for student research, Emerging Minds: Journal for Student Research has just come out, packed with exciting student essays and articles. This journal is dedicated to showcasing the cutting-edge research carried out by students, …

New content from Emerging Minds Read more »