Whether you are looking to experience lives you will never live, uncover astonishing new worlds of the imagination, keep up with your hobbies, learn about the world beyond academia, listen to an audiobook while out for a run, or you are into browsing digital magazines on the bus, the public library service has something for you.

Taylor & Francis eBooks now come with a redesigned eReader available from Taylorfrancis.com offering a redeveloped, simpler, seamless and inclusive reading experience. Available now for ebook chapters and downloads, and replacing the old ereader for reading entire ebooks online from 16 February, the new ebook reader supports the more accessible and feature rich ePub format as well as sporting a more intuitive interface.

A lot of lecturers and librarians then asked what was going to happen to all the links pointing to specific chapters/pages of these ebooks, because most reading lists rely on deep linking to work. EBSCO thought about this briefly, then came back to reassure everyone that they are going to make sure all these deep links continue to work after the change. This has meant that the introduction of the epub format ebooks has been delayed by a few weeks.

Come late late January, Ebook Central will be moving from using pdf to epub format ebooks. This will make these ebooks easier to read and navigate, display better on more devices, and allow publishers to build interactive audio and video into their devices.