Turner & Paige no.28 Sept. 11th 2015
© 2015 University of Portsmouth Library
© 2015 University of Portsmouth Library
© 2015 University of Portsmouth Library
Part of the Ground Floor of the Library flooded due to a collapsed drain and heavy rains experienced by Portsmouth on Monday. The IT Helpers quickly moved all the printers (and anything electric) away from the rising tide and the …
It seems to me that every new blockbuster film “breaks box office records” during its opening weekend and I sometimes wonder where this information comes from. Well, now I know. Film Industry Data (or Film ID) is a resource which …
We’ve begun to build on the skills of our enquiries team with a series of masterclasses, aimed at subjects which use more specialist subject resources. The first masterclass was dedicated to architecture and led by Lizzie, the Assistant Faculty Librarian, …
I wanted to add my research monograph: “Fish I have known and loved, an anthology of Pinterest” into the University research repository so you could all read it, but I was told that a profound love of mackerel and a life …
What does it mean when it says, “Thank you for deleting all the financial records of the University Library”? I am going to blame this on keyboards not being designed for those of us with flippers!
Others in the Metadata Team also repair books that have suffered a little wear and tear. They tend to have more success than I did when I tried.
Helping students with more specialised subject searches is usually the realm of our Faculty Librarians and their assistants, but sometimes we Enquiries staff are asked questions which sit on the borderline of being specialist, and which we enjoy helping with. …
This year the Library has provided access to 3,946 new e-books and 661 databases and made them available on Discovery and the library catalogue. All this requires people to make sure the “metadata” is all present and correct.