The first Outside In World drop-in and storytime was a great success. Several families joined us to celebrate South Asian Heritage Month and explore the collection of children’s books from around the world and explore the world of illustration with two of our MA Illustration students and aspiring children. Everyone got to take part in the colouring exercise or read fascinating children’s books from around the world, followed by the storytime with another of our students. Sign up and join us for the next one on the afternoon of Friday 9 August!

Happy South Asian Heritage Month, everyone! You can find some fascinating resources on South Asia in our local collections.

Don’t forget about the South Asian Heritage Month themed Outside In World collection drop-ins and children’s storytimes taking place on 31 July and 9 August. Book your place now!

We look forward to seeing you soon.

As I mentioned previously, Artstor is becoming one with JSTOR on 1 August. From August, you will be able to find everything you used to enjoy in ArtSTOR on JSTOR. If you haven’t transitioned to using Artstor on JSTOR, visit …

Preparing for the day ArtSTOR becomes JSTOR Read more »

It has taken me until today to fully grasp the meaning of Charlton’s age-old adage, “nothing about us without us”. Since the end of the last millennium, disability and later other oppressed minority groups have demanded a place at the …

In support of the blind leading the blindfolded Read more »

Artificial intelligence has become a common buzzword, and you are probably already using it to create your assignments, possibly without even knowing it. But how can you use it ethically and skillfully to help you produce great assignments without crossing the line and being accused of cheating? Our Faculty Librarian Timothy Collinson explains all in his new guide to using AI for effective (and ethical) study.